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Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado

For those who haven’t been paying attention to the out-of-control Democrat-ruled legislature in Colorado over the past two years, it hasn’t only been gun-grab laws they’ve been ramming through: Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado.

How Coloradans can’t see what the Democrats here are up to is beyond me. It’s not like the Democrats really […]

The Contemptible Propaganda of the Democrat Party

…on full display:


I thought after eight-plus years in political activism that there was little Democrats could do to make me loathe them more. Well, here’s something.

Yes, I recognize that the superficial intention of the comment is Republicans want to stop Obamacare from covering the uninsured. But the literal meaning is that […]

OnFire/PolitiComm: The Lamest Twitter Argument Ever Offered?

Color me unimpressed with Colorado’s cyberbully OnFire / PolitiComm: The Lamest Twitter Argument Ever Offered?

If someone as transparently dishonest and histrionic as OnFire / PolitiComm is the best the Colorado Progessive Machine can do, it beggars belief that the center-right in the state does as badly as it does. Unfortunately, Colorado’s center-right is essentially […]

“Your Town”: A Defense of Capitalism

Here’s a golden oldie, from back in the day when industry associations stood up for capitalism and the positive social by-products of productive enterprises, instead of apologizing for their existence and bending over backwards to appease environmentalist bullies, corrupt incumbents, and union thugs.

While it veers into the de rigeur hip-deep patriotic cheese near […]