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Hands-On Engineering

It seems the more little engineering projects I do to support my photography habit, the more I find I want to do.

Last year, it was the double-header, and the time-lapse rig for the Iceland roadtrip. But after looking at some of this guy’s work and the toys he created to do it, I got […]

How I Celebrated Earth Day

Praze Gaia! I’m finally rid of my televisions completely, thanks to LM’s annual electronics recycling event. (Which, they pointedly remind employees, is not to be used for company-owned equipment.)

I’ve only had television service for about a year and a half of the past twelve years, and all three were SD models which could no […]

2011 Denver Tax Day Tea Party Live Webcast

It’s that time of year again, and PPC is doing another live webcast of the Tea Party rally from the steps of the Colorado capitol building in downtown Denver.

Coverage is scheduled to go live at 10am MT, with the event running from 11am to roughly 1:30pm. […]

Collision Avoidance

Glenn Reynolds posts a bit about 2005 YU55, a 1300ft asteroid scheduled to pass within the orbital radius of the Moon this coming November. Observes Reynolds in response to a reader comment about “doing something”:

Yes, “Spacewatch” is about noticing this kind of thing. Doing something about it is someone else’s problem, alas. Maybe once […]

Driving Lessons

This is the same video the rental agency in Iceland made us watch before they would hand over the keys.

If driver’s education here were as graphic as the segment on seatbelts at 4:38, I’m guessing we’d have a lot fewer traffic deaths.


Falcon Heavy Announced

It’s pretty amazing what you can do (and how rapidly you can do it) when you’re not bogged down by ever-shifting customer desirements, stifling “best practices”, departmental fiefdoms, and rocket scientist Senators:


This is funny.

The Keith’s Night graphic is the best part.