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The Contemptible Propaganda of the Democrat Party

…on full display:


I thought after eight-plus years in political activism that there was little Democrats could do to make me loathe them more. Well, here’s something.

Yes, I recognize that the superficial intention of the comment is Republicans want to stop Obamacare from covering the uninsured. But the literal meaning is that […]

“The Stolen Election”

Let me state up-front that I am NOT claiming that any of this is true, so don’t anyone accuse me of being a crackpot conspiracy theorist here. This is simply a thought experiment/thriller plot that I found entertaining to think through.

On the way home from the victory party funeral last night, it struck […]

Vetting Obama

The first in a series, it would appear – The Vetting, Part I: Barack’s Love Song To Alinsky:

From today through Election Day, November 6, 2012, we will vet this president–and his rivals.

We begin with a column Andrew wrote last week in preparation for today’s Big relaunch–a story that should swing the first hammer […]

Hawaii Five-O Insults Pearl Harbor Survivors

This is sad. But predictable with Hollywood, unfortunately – FIVE-O CREW DISGRACEFUL TO WWII PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS:

The TGGF program had brought 24 red roses to place at the gravesites on the opposite side of the Punchbowl. The program crew actually had one of their men wearing a backpack and earplug walk through – infiltrate […]

Occupy Denver Invades BlogCon 2011…

…And is shouted down and mocked mercilessly. They really shouldn’t have taken on Steven Crowder.

UPDATE: Tony Katz doesn’t take kindly to a protester trying to interrupt his radio show later in the day: […]

BlogCon 2011

Attending the BlogCon 2011 in Denver this weekend.

PPC (myself and Michael Sandoval), Ari Armstrong, Kelly Maher, and Todd Shepherd will be speaking today at 3:15, on building and maintaining state-level blog networks.

UPDATE: taunting OccupyDenver, which is threatening a surprise(!) march on BlogCon 2011 at 5pm tonight…uptwinkles!

UPDATE 2:25: a half-dozen protestors […]

An Inconvenient Halloween Short Story

This story was originally inspired by Walter Russel Mead’s article on Bill McKibben’s collection of science fiction short stories aimed at scaring the public (er, ‘shaping an emotional response’) over global warming. I was too busy to finish it when it was actually topical, unfortunately, so I am publishing it instead as a scary story […]

Occupy Toledo!

So I’m walking down the street in Toledo (the one in Spain) on Saturday, and I suddenly find myself in the middle of a protest. Near as I can tell from cognates, it was something related to the Occupy Wall Street crap but translated into Spanish. Naturally, I had to play reporter and get some […]

Since 9/11

I think like most Americans old enough to remember 9/11, I remember it almost moment by moment, as clear as if it had happened yesterday. Which makes it strange to think that it’s been ten years now — I remember it more clearly than a lot of news events that happened in the past year […]

Teaching Citizen Journalism

Spending the morning at Independence Institute with a group of bloggers and pro-liberty activists from Kyrgyzstan, sharing People’s Press Collective’s citizen journalism experience.

A really interesting collection of bloggers, including the director of the only free-market think-tank in Central Asia.