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Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado

For those who haven’t been paying attention to the out-of-control Democrat-ruled legislature in Colorado over the past two years, it hasn’t only been gun-grab laws they’ve been ramming through: Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado.

How Coloradans can’t see what the Democrats here are up to is beyond me. It’s not like the Democrats really […]

OnFire/PolitiComm: The Lamest Twitter Argument Ever Offered?

Color me unimpressed with Colorado’s cyberbully OnFire / PolitiComm: The Lamest Twitter Argument Ever Offered?

If someone as transparently dishonest and histrionic as OnFire / PolitiComm is the best the Colorado Progessive Machine can do, it beggars belief that the center-right in the state does as badly as it does. Unfortunately, Colorado’s center-right is essentially […]

Post-Election Prognostications

Bruce Webster is making some: The coming liberal meltdown.

Interesting. Plausible. Maybe or maybe not likely — who knows?

What I liked about his post was the element of prognostication from current trends and social/political circumstances, and how it resembles what Carl and I have been doing for the backstory for In the Shadow of […]

PPC at the Western Conservative Summit

Okay, it’s not space-related (and it’s not technically PPC, since he’s there on National Review’s nickel), but my People’s Press Collective co-conspirator Michael Sandoval is on the scene at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. Rick Santorum and Rick Perry spoke this evening. Santorum focused (utterly predictably) on gay marriage, using the issue as an […]

Teaching Citizen Journalism

Spending the morning at Independence Institute with a group of bloggers and pro-liberty activists from Kyrgyzstan, sharing People’s Press Collective’s citizen journalism experience.

A really interesting collection of bloggers, including the director of the only free-market think-tank in Central Asia.

Real Gubernatorial Genius

…is in short supply in Colorado this year, but Todd and Justin at Complete Colorado are at least having some fun with the unfunny situation.

Republican (sigh) Walter Mitty, Dan Maes:

Democrat (meh) Denver mayor, John Hickenlooper:

American Constitutional Party’s former Republican, former congressman, former presidential candidate, and evergreen lightning rod, Tom Tancredo: […]