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The Intentional Fatalism of the Anti-Nuclear Movement

If surviving a nuclear war is actually fairly straightforward, why cultivate such a deep sense of futility about even trying? Why cut funding for Civil Defense, why ridicule “duck and cover”, and why make demoralizing movies like “Testament” or “The Day After”? […]

Umm…They Do Grow Back, You Know…

Jim Cameron, call your office:

It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that these same people are big on “renewable resources”.

Violent, Hate-Filled, Racist Rhetoric at the Denver Tax Day Tea Party

Well, actually, at the left/”Progressive” counterprotest.

Where Have All the Protestors Gone?

It seems the Women in Black Silent Vigil For Peace (who I last observed observing something less than a moment of silence) have given up their first-Saturday protest outside Colorado Mills in Golden…

Did President Obama end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and neglect to tell anyone (except the […]

Global Warming Insurance: Annotated

Some of my co-conspirators at People’s Press Collective have been having a little fun with the “global warming insurance” video…

“It’s not like you’re gonna give up your whole paycheck, it’s just a few bucks a month [that you’re gonna give up]”.

Dude…it’s not your money to take.

[hat tip: […]

Moonbat Bruce Goes Loony

Yeah, I know: short trip.

According to Bruce Gagnon, NASA’s upcoming LCROSS “moon bombing” is a test of first-strike space weapons.

No…seriously…he actually believes this.

When the space craft arrives near the moon it will fire a missile, at twice the speed of a bullet, from the spacecraft into the moon’s surface. NASA maintains […]

Xcel “Smart Meters” in Boulder: More Information for Better Consumer Choices?

Complete Colorado points to an article in the Daily Camera on Xcel’s efforts to install “smart grid” technology in (where else?) Boulder.

I definitely don’t like the idea of the power company (or envirokook do-gooders in the local government) having the authority to turn down my air conditioning or water heater whenever they find it […]

“Your Town”: A Defense of Capitalism

Here’s a golden oldie, from back in the day when industry associations stood up for capitalism and the positive social by-products of productive enterprises, instead of apologizing for their existence and bending over backwards to appease environmentalist bullies, corrupt incumbents, and union thugs.

While it veers into the de rigeur hip-deep patriotic cheese near […]

Al Gore Celebrates ‘Earth Hour’…With Floodlights

You can’t make this stuff up:

As most of you know, just over two years ago, my organization, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, found that the knuckleheaded leader of the global warming alarmism movement, Al Gore, consumes 20 times more electricity in his home than the average American household.

Since Earth Hour was recognized […]

Speaking of Life Imitating “Atlas Shrugged”…

Meet Namaste Solar Electric, aka “The Twentieth Century Solar Panel Company”:

“We did have a lot of skeptical, raised eyebrows at the beginning,” Jones said of his company, which installs solar power systems in Colorado.

“We even have had business schools bring teams of MBA students to come to do a case study,” he said. […]