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What If Earth Had Rings?

[h/t Eileen]

Labyrinth: Excerpt from Chapter 6

For those unfamiliar with the novel, or who may have forgotten the synopsis from the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award entry some time back, Labyrinth of Night is a young adult science fiction novel following the struggles of Amber Jacobsen — the first and so far only child on Mars — to prove her value to […]

Speaking of “Other Commitments”…

One of the other things on my plate right now is putting the novel through one final edit, prior to publishing it on Kindle. We’ve tried (oh have we tried) to find an agent, but none seem interested in the genre right now…which is to say, every inquiry gets rejected out of hand, unread, with […]

“I Worked Hard For That Title”

David Zucker gives Babs Boxer’s undeservedly inflated ego the skewering it so richly deserves:

Something I’ve been on the lookout for for over a year now as an addition to PPC is talent like this at the local level — film students or hobbyists who are interested in politics and motivated to make funny-but-pointed […]

Real Gubernatorial Genius

…is in short supply in Colorado this year, but Todd and Justin at Complete Colorado are at least having some fun with the unfunny situation.

Republican (sigh) Walter Mitty, Dan Maes:

Democrat (meh) Denver mayor, John Hickenlooper:

American Constitutional Party’s former Republican, former congressman, former presidential candidate, and evergreen lightning rod, Tom Tancredo: […]