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Back Soon From Mars

I really, really should have visited Iceland before we started writing a novel set on Mars. If Texas is like a whole other country, Iceland is like a whole other not-quite-fully-terraformed planet.

Finally back in Reykjavik after a week’s trek through the hinterlands north of Eyjafjallajokull and two weeks of camping throughout the rest […]

Happy Independence Day!

Better later in the day than never. Regrettably, I didn’t have much time today to do any celebrating (though I took care of that at a barbecue last night, from which we could see fireworks in several directions as if it were already The Day), being busy with deck construction and such.

And since I […]

Even Lighter Bloggage For Near Future

I’ll be on vacation in Iceland for most of July, so blogging will be even lighter than usual. Unless, of course, internet opportunities present themselves along the way.

Prepping for the trip and trying to get a new deck built before the building permit expires in late August have been sucking up all of my […]