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But! But! Elon Musk!!!

Walter Russell Mead observes the latest solar power corruption fiasco and asks:

Is there anybody in the world of tax-funded green energy who isn’t a sleazy thief or an incompetent idealist?

(WaPo article here.)

Regardless of who is behind any “green energy” undertaking, my inclination nowadays is to suspect it is some sort of scam […]

Did I Mention…?

In the Shadow of Ares is now only $2.99. If you’re buying a Kindle, iPad, Nook, or other such device for someone (especially a young adult) this Christmas, it’d make a perfect gift.


Ann Althouse links to another in a long procession of “big idea houses” – what is zeroHouse?

The zeroHouse is a small, prefabricated house that can easily be shipped and quickly erected. It features a full kitchen, bath, and all elements necessary to comfortably support four adults. What sets the zeroHouse apart from other prefabricated […]