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Colonize Mars? Not Until I Sate My Envy and Hate

D.N. Lee is at it again: Colonize Mars? Not until we learn some lessons here on Earth

What bothers me in this sort of discussion is that the very people who we want to go to space to escape are the ones who are going to do their damnedest to stop us from escaping them. […]

Mars Society: Space Advocates, or Military-Industrial Complex Front Group?

You decide!

Which Seed Do We Carry?:

You can find many links between outfits like Lockheed Martin and corporate front-groups such as the Mars Society. The Mars Society line is that the Earth is a rotting, dying, stinking planet and we need to terraform Mars and move our civilization there. Likely ride on a nuclear […]

Warning: Humans

It’s an amusing concept, but it suffers from an annoying voiceover and the sense that there’s just a bit too much earnestness behind the attempts to be clever.

What if the rest of the alien universe was terrified of humans?


But! But! Elon Musk!!!

Walter Russell Mead observes the latest solar power corruption fiasco and asks:

Is there anybody in the world of tax-funded green energy who isn’t a sleazy thief or an incompetent idealist?

(WaPo article here.)

Regardless of who is behind any “green energy” undertaking, my inclination nowadays is to suspect it is some sort of scam […]

Synthetic Meat – Coming Soon to a Burger Joint Near You?

Well, maybe not all that soon – they’re predicting 10-20 years, which would fit nicely with our timeline for In the Shadow of Ares: Scientists Prepare Test-Tube Burger

Starting with bovine stem cells, the Dutch researchers have grown muscle fibres up to 3cm long and 0.5mm thick. The fibres are tethered and exercised as […]

Nuclear Propulsion Research Revival?

One can only hope – Marshall Eyes In-Space Nuclear Propulsion:

During the Constellation years, Marshall worked with the Department of Energy on nuclear-power technology that might one day power a lunar outpost. While Los Alamos and other national labs handled the radioactive material, NASA experts here used heating elements to simulate nuclear fuel and concentrated […]

An Inconvenient Halloween Short Story

This story was originally inspired by Walter Russel Mead’s article on Bill McKibben’s collection of science fiction short stories aimed at scaring the public (er, ‘shaping an emotional response’) over global warming. I was too busy to finish it when it was actually topical, unfortunately, so I am publishing it instead as a scary story […]

Why on Earth…

…would aliens decide to eliminate us because of “global warming”?

You’d think that a civilization with the ability to cross interplanetary distances would, when encountering this set of circumstances (humans, on Earth, burning fossil fuels), simply mock us for using such inefficient and diffuse sources of energy, and provide us with matter-conversion cells or […]

How I Celebrated Earth Day

Praze Gaia! I’m finally rid of my televisions completely, thanks to LM’s annual electronics recycling event. (Which, they pointedly remind employees, is not to be used for company-owned equipment.)

I’ve only had television service for about a year and a half of the past twelve years, and all three were SD models which could no […]

Umm…They Do Grow Back, You Know…

Jim Cameron, call your office:

It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that these same people are big on “renewable resources”.