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You Had Me at “Plug-Nozzle Aerospike”

Want: Firefly Space Systems charges full-speed toward low Earth orbit.

There seem to be quite a few entrants in the ALASA-class lately. Which is interesting on the one hand given DARPA’s work in this area 12-13 years ago, and amusing given SpaceX’s exit in favor of EELV-class launchers.

All Within, Nothing Without

You can’t even escape the SJW/feminist bellyaching/gamergatery on an electronics website: Oh Barbie, You’ve Missed the Mark Again – News – SparkFun Electronics.

I don’t care whether the poster’s points are valid or not, whether their post spreads awareness, sends a message, raises consciousness, promotes inclusiveness, or any of the usual Progressive tropes that come […]

More on #Shirtstorm

Sarah Hoyt tackles #Shirtstorm feminism (and a commenter attempting to deploy the standard Progressive argument tactics of snark, strawmanning, and faux-victimhood): No Space for Sewing Circles. John Hayward at Breitbart discusses the controversy as an example of thoughtcrime and compares it to #GamerGate: Comet Guy and the social-justice black hole Rose Eveleth and her […]

Buy Matt Taylor Something Nice

…To make up for Rose Eveleth, Chris Plante, and Arielle Duhaime-Ross tarnishing his big day with a petty and indecent snit over his shirt.

I chipped in $20.

ETA: Glenn Reynolds gives a short summary of the aforementioned petty and indecent snit, and makes this point:

It seems to me that if you care about […]

The Space Applications are Obvious

New Nanomaterial Takes the Stink Out of Submarine Air

Unlike amine, which is a liquid, the new material looks like sand. In fact, it is sand, except it is covered with tiny pores, each filled with molecules that selectively pull CO2 out of the airstream. Together, sand grain and molecule are called Self Assembled Monolayers […]