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How Many People Does It Take to Colonize Another Star System?

Popular Mechanics asks the question, but doesn’t look too deeply for alternative answers.

It’s a pretty interesting study, just looking at the different sizes of possible “classic” generation-ship missions and how to both ensure survivability (against unexpected problems en-route) and maintain genetic diversity (necessary for adaptability to unknown conditions en-route and at the destination). Small […]

Coffee-Table Mars

NASM has what looks like a fascinating exhibition of select images from the MERs: Spirit & Opportunity: 10 Years Roving Across Mars

I’d love to see NASA eventually issue a series of Full Moon–style coffee-table books, giving the highlights of each of the rovers.

3D Printing and Laser Machining…At the Same Time

Very cool: Hybrid Machine Combines Milling and Additive Manufacturing

By using laser deposition to build up the part, while employing milling throughout the process to machine critical features as the part is taking shape, the machine can produce a component through additive manufacturing while also producing it to its completed tolerances within the same cycle.


You Have Done Well, Grasshopper

On August 13th, the Falcon 9 test rig (code name Grasshopper) completed a divert test, flying to a 250m altitude with a 100m lateral maneuver before returning to the center of the pad. The test demonstrated the vehicle’s ability to perform more aggressive steering maneuvers than have been attempted in previous flights.

Grasshopper is taller […]

NASA Space Colonization From 1975

They believe the huge space colony could be built before the year 2000.


Yeah, if you could build that space colony already, that would be great.


F-1 Engine Recovery

Looks like some of Bezos’ sea-bottom treasure belonged to AS-506, aka Apollo 11’s Saturn V: SERIAL NUMBER 2044

Today, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news. One of the conservators who was scanning the objects with a black light and a special lens filter has made a breakthrough discovery – “2044” – stenciled in black […]

Spaceship 2 Fires Engine

Sweet – Virgin’s passenger spaceship completes first rocket test flight:

The spaceship and its carrier aircraft, WhiteKnightTwo, took off from the Mojave Air and Space Port at 7 a.m. PDT (10.00 a.m. EDT), heading to an altitude of about 46,000 feet, where SpaceShipTwo was released.

Two pilots then ignited the ship’s rocket engine and climbed […]

Another Rocket in the Stable

The Antares maiden launch appears to have gone well: Private company succeeds in test launch of rocket that will carry cargo ship

About 10 minutes after the launch from Wallops Island on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles declared the test a success after observing a practice payload reach orbit and safely separate […]

Deferred Dreams of Mars

A not particularly revelatory look at NASA’s ever-deferred humans-to-Mars efforts: The Deferred Dreams of Mars

Still worth a read, even if it is mostly a recitation of the conventional wisdom on the topic – not to be harsh on Brian Bergstein, it’s just that there’s nothing really new in what he has written. Apart from […]

“Touchdown Confirmed.”

Heh – Curiosity is barely down (what, two minutes?) and they already have images coming in.

The images are dust-obscured because the dust kicked up by the landing is still swirling around.

That’s impressive.