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Life Imitates Art #983745345367: The Wallscreen

One of the fictional technologies we imaged for In the Shadow of Ares is the “wallscreen”, a wallpaper-like display of practically unlimited extent which interacts with the characters’ mobile agents and other computing systems. In the scene where this technology is introduced, Amber’s mother is playing an ambience video loop of a tropical beach, which […]

RIP Ray Bradbury

Sad news: Ray Bradbury has passed away at 91.

I haven’t read anything by him in years, probably since junior high when I voraciously consumed any of his books I could get my hands on. He did however have a big influence on my subsequent science fiction interests, and is one big reason I like […]

Hunger Games Meets Jericho Meets The Postman

Well, this looks…awful.

I’d like just once to have TV do a post-apocalypse show right. Having everyone be beautiful, unblemished, healthy, well-groomed, and attired in bright, clean, factory-made clothes 15 years after the entire world blacked out calls for a bit more suspension of disbelief than I’m able to muster. Jericho could almost get […]

Scenes from an Alien World

So, I sold the IR-converted d100 a couple months ago, and used the proceeds to convert my (now-superseded) d80 for infrared. Still fine-tuning the manual and autofocus, but it worked well enough to take this weird shot at Moab a couple of weeks back:

It’s not hard to imagine an alien world that looked […]

In Case You Missed It…

…our book In the Shadow of Ares is one of the finalists for this year’s Prometheus Award. Sweet.

The Prometheus finalists for Best Novel recognize pro-freedom novels published last year:

The Children of the Sky (TOR Books) – A sequel to Vernor Vinge’s A Fire Upon the Deep and in the same universe as Prometheus-winning […]

400 Seconds with the SRBs

This is one of the coolest space videos I have ever seen:

“Battlestar Galactica” Nature Film

Nice combination of time-lapse star photography and…an original soundtrack by Bear McCrary: If Battlestar Galactica Was A Nature Film It Would Look Like This

Temporal Distortion from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.

[hat tip: Gina]

The Disappointment of “Star Wars”

Over at PJM Kathy Shaidle lays out Five Reasons Star Wars Actually Sucks.

Having seen large portions of several of the old and new movies over the Thanksgiving holiday, I can add one more to the list: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a despicable “hero”.

Prior to the release of the prequels, I always had this […]

An Annoying Feature of Non-Fiction Books

Introductions or prefaces which are longer than the book’s chapters.

I’ve been doing a lot of background reading lately as part of writing the sequel to In the Shadow of Ares, and this seems to afflict every book I’ve picked up. I’m slowly getting over the notion that I ought to read them before reading […]

This Year, Give Them Mars for Christmas

Know someone who owns (or will be getting) an e-reader? Send them a copy of In the Shadow of Ares as a gift!

Over at, I explain how to do it via both Amazon and Barnes & Noble — it’s as easy as can be.

Over the regolith and through the catenas to […]