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Blue Origin Test Facility Planned

Jeff Bezos is planning to make the term “rocket ranch” a literal reality: Bezos offers glimpse into space project

Blue Origin, the secretive space exploration company founded by CEO Jeff Bezos, on Thursday quietly announced plans to build a testing facility on a remote ranch in western Texas.

The facility will be built on land owned by Bezos located north of Van Horn, Texas, a community with a population of 2,400 residents as of 2000. In its first public statement about its ambitions, Blue Origin said it plans to build a suborbital spacecraft that can launch and land vertically with three or more astronauts, according to a report in the local Van Horn Advocate newspaper.

Bezos has already assembled a team of veteran rocket scientists who have worked on various aerospace and missile defense projects. The company will first build basic facilities such as an engine test stand, fuel and water tanks and an office building, and then begin flight testing in six to seven years, the report said.

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