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Atlas Shrugged Trailer

This would make a great drinking game at your next Objectivist book club meeting: spot the deviations from the book!

I guess one has to expect many differences from the source material, given that the producers don’t have a Lord of the Rings-scale budget with which to depict the “period” setting of the book […]

“Your Town”: A Defense of Capitalism

Here’s a golden oldie, from back in the day when industry associations stood up for capitalism and the positive social by-products of productive enterprises, instead of apologizing for their existence and bending over backwards to appease environmentalist bullies, corrupt incumbents, and union thugs.

While it veers into the de rigeur hip-deep patriotic cheese near […]

Welcome to Starnesville

Compare this:

A few houses still stood within the skeleton of what had once been an industrial town. Everything that could move, had moved away; but some human beings had remained. The empty structures were vertical rubble; they had been eaten, not by time, but by men: boards torn out at random, missing patches of […]

Speaking of Life Imitating “Atlas Shrugged”…

Meet Namaste Solar Electric, aka “The Twentieth Century Solar Panel Company”:

“We did have a lot of skeptical, raised eyebrows at the beginning,” Jones said of his company, which installs solar power systems in Colorado.

“We even have had business schools bring teams of MBA students to come to do a case study,” he said. […]

Life Imitates “Atlas Shrugged”

Uh-oh, it looks like Galt’s “ray screen” was no match for the “Don’t Be Evil” crowd — Google Earth has found Atlantis:

From what it sounds like, a British aeronautical engineer was playing around with the new Google Earth 5.0, which includes undersea data, and noticed something funny off the coast of Africa, about 600 […]