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Al Gore Celebrates ‘Earth Hour’…With Floodlights

You can’t make this stuff up:

As most of you know, just over two years ago, my organization, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, found that the knuckleheaded leader of the global warming alarmism movement, Al Gore, consumes 20 times more electricity in his home than the average American household.

Since Earth Hour was recognized […]

A Letter From the Power Company

Along with this month’s power bill came an interesting letter from the utility…interesting in how politically incorrect it is:

How long we will be able to freeze our rate depends upon federal and state energy policies. Many in Congress see a CO2 cap and trade scheme or carbon tax as a lucrative source of potential […]

NYU Students Protest, Fail to Understand Why Nobody Takes Them Seriously

This priceless clip is not only laugh-out-loud hilarious (unintentionally), but illustrates perfectly why earnest young college students who want to change the world aren’t taken seriously. And shouldn’t be.

These drama queens better hope this never happens in reality…even a zombie could get inside their OODA loop.

These earnest and sensitive students (assuming they […]