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Colorado Senate Majority Leader John Morse Goes All Shakespearian on

Master Thespian John Morse, Colorado Senate Majority Leader, goes off on a rant over’s small act of defiance against his tax increase and privacy invasion. This is so laughable it has to be seen to be believed/appreciated:

For those who don’t know, the Democrat-controlled Colorado legislature two weeks ago passed what have come […]

“Your Town”: A Defense of Capitalism

Here’s a golden oldie, from back in the day when industry associations stood up for capitalism and the positive social by-products of productive enterprises, instead of apologizing for their existence and bending over backwards to appease environmentalist bullies, corrupt incumbents, and union thugs.

While it veers into the de rigeur hip-deep patriotic cheese near […]

Liberty in Space?

Rand links to this interesting post at Cato Unbound on colonizing space and the “future of freedom”:

The critical question then becomes one of means, of how to escape not via politics but beyond it. Because there are no truly free places left in our world, I suspect that the mode for escape must involve […]

Welcome to Starnesville

Compare this:

A few houses still stood within the skeleton of what had once been an industrial town. Everything that could move, had moved away; but some human beings had remained. The empty structures were vertical rubble; they had been eaten, not by time, but by men: boards torn out at random, missing patches of […]

A Letter From the Power Company

Along with this month’s power bill came an interesting letter from the utility…interesting in how politically incorrect it is:

How long we will be able to freeze our rate depends upon federal and state energy policies. Many in Congress see a CO2 cap and trade scheme or carbon tax as a lucrative source of potential […]

McDonald’s on Mars

Commenter Wally expresses concern over the development of space:

Besides, who wants to go to McDonald’s Restaurant on Mars?

I do.

Not because I find the food appealing, but because of what the fact of a McDonald’s on Mars would say about the planet’s level of development. Shipping in from a distribution center on Earth […]