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Rose Eveleth is a Parody

Rose Eveleth: plumbing the important issues in science!

FWIW, I’ve worked in the space industry since 1997, around the time our favorite Twitter-based science expert and fashion critic was in junior high. Most of that work has been on projects involving vehicles for carrying people. I don’t recall a project or a period from then […]

If You Were a Depraved Nihilist, My Love

John C. Wright addresses the moral void that is the left.

It’s easy to fall into the mental pattern of believing that the left is simply the flip-side of the right – not its opposite, but rather a philosophical complement, mirroring the right in its positions on various issues but sharing the same overall goals. […]

Test Stand to Nowhere

NASA’s $349 million monument to its drift


And naturally, because the article mentioned the Tea Party, it’s somehow the Tea Party’s fault. Sure, Republican officials appear to hold much of the blame in this, but WaPo appears to have guessed correctly that its loyal readership/cult would snap up the bait and blame it all […]

Social Injustice Ate My Homework

Now, why didn’t I think of this when I was in college?

Social Injustice Ate My Homework:

Those Harvard students have produced an open letter, in which they demand that their examinations be delayed. “Like many across the country,” its authors claim, students “are traumatized” and “visibly distressed” — to the extent that there is […]

All Within, Nothing Without

You can’t even escape the SJW/feminist bellyaching/gamergatery on an electronics website: Oh Barbie, You’ve Missed the Mark Again – News – SparkFun Electronics.

I don’t care whether the poster’s points are valid or not, whether their post spreads awareness, sends a message, raises consciousness, promotes inclusiveness, or any of the usual Progressive tropes that come […]

More on #Shirtstorm

Sarah Hoyt tackles #Shirtstorm feminism (and a commenter attempting to deploy the standard Progressive argument tactics of snark, strawmanning, and faux-victimhood): No Space for Sewing Circles. John Hayward at Breitbart discusses the controversy as an example of thoughtcrime and compares it to #GamerGate: Comet Guy and the social-justice black hole Rose Eveleth and her […]

Buy Matt Taylor Something Nice

…To make up for Rose Eveleth, Chris Plante, and Arielle Duhaime-Ross tarnishing his big day with a petty and indecent snit over his shirt.

I chipped in $20.

ETA: Glenn Reynolds gives a short summary of the aforementioned petty and indecent snit, and makes this point:

It seems to me that if you care about […]

Raspberry Pi Goes Social Justice Wanker

I guess that Pi Camera I picked up yesterday will be going back to MicroCenter:

Let us be clear, you few loud angry folks. We’re not under/misinformed or blinkered: we think you’re WRONG. End of. #StopGamerGate2014

— Raspberry Pi (@Raspberry_Pi) October 15, 2014

I’m not a gamer, so until now the #GamerGate thing didn’t […]

Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado

For those who haven’t been paying attention to the out-of-control Democrat-ruled legislature in Colorado over the past two years, it hasn’t only been gun-grab laws they’ve been ramming through: Braced for Voter Fraud in Colorado.

How Coloradans can’t see what the Democrats here are up to is beyond me. It’s not like the Democrats really […]

No Country for Young Men

Richard Fernandez hits on something that bothers me about the mindset of the country: No Country for Young Men

The big giveaway is we as a civilization don’t want to go to the planets any more, because the old don’t want to go anywhere. Imagine clambering into spaceships! The very idea gives us the shivers. […]