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“The World Is Sick, and We Are the Doctors”

I managed to get in on the Colorado Springs showing of “Iron Sky” last night.

I won’t say it’s the best movie I’ve ever seen, but it certainly had a lot going for it.

First off, the bad:

The dialogue was a little klunky through most of the movie, but once you allow for […]


I’m not saying you have to. I’m just saying, you know, it would be nice, if you’ve read In the Shadow of Ares, to go post a (hopefully glowing) review on the Amazon page.

Consider it your good deed for the day. It’ll make you feel good about yourself. And who doesn’t want another reason […]

Mars Missions of the Past

Mars Direct must not have been crazy or weird enough: Humans on Mars: The Craziest, Weirdest, and Most Plausible Plans in History

I suppose it makes an appearance via the reference under the Design Reference Architecture, but it’s a little surprising that it didn’t get an entry of its own as an example of a […]

“Touchdown Confirmed.”

Heh – Curiosity is barely down (what, two minutes?) and they already have images coming in.

The images are dust-obscured because the dust kicked up by the landing is still swirling around.

That’s impressive.

CCiCap Summary

Rand Simberg has a good overview of the CCiCap announcement over at Popular Mechanics.