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RIP John Steakley

John Steakley, author of Armor and Vampire$, has died.

Funny, Armor was one of my favorite science fiction books growing up, and one of the first I read after really getting into the genre (and after consuming everything by Larry Niven I could get my hands on), and I just re-read it about two weeks […]

Farming in the Sky explores an interesting question: Can We Grow Crops on Other Planets?

The answer is obviously “yes”, it’s just a matter of how. The article primarily discusses soil composition (along with the philosophical question of what, exactly, “soil” is), leaving out hydroponics and aeroponics.

In Labyrinth, we have taken the position that farming on Mars […]

New Life for X-34?

Wired seems to think so: Grounded NASA Space Plane Poised for Comeback?

There were probably more reasons for the cancellation than were publicly admitted to than just the engine difficulties. But if that’s all there was, it’s interesting to note (as others have) that SpaceX’s original Merlin-1 engine is in the same thrust class as […]

In the Shadow of Ares: Story Synopsis

I thought I posted a summary of the novel here, back when we entered it in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. But since I can’t find it in the archives, here’s the description we used for the contest entry:

The world was shocked and saddened by the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters. But […]

Labyrinth: Excerpt from Chapter 19

After a minor catastrophe forces the Jacobsen family to move to a new settlement, Amber and her mother get a tour of the place. Having spent her whole young life within the cozy spaces of habs, settlement tunnels, rovers, and suits, Amber finds certain parts of her new environment a bit unnerving at first.

False Advertising

I’m guessing that that’s why they changed their name to “SyFy” — the channel has about as much to do with science fiction nowadays as MTV has to do with music.

SyFy Cancels “Caprica”

Oh well. I’m sure they’ll make better use of the time slot with another shoddily-produced and worse-acted supernatural show, badly written […]

PPC Hits the Semi-Sorta Big-Time

A short, choppy featurette by our neighbors on the press riser on election night. I wish I had thought to do something like this when I had my hands on the big Sony we were using for interviews. (Yes, Michael self-identifies as National Review Online, but he’s still one of us.)

An amusing aside: […]