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MarsBlog’s Ten Year Bloggiversary

…was actually last Thursday, but I’ve been so swamped for the past week I haven’t had time to celebrate.

The first post in the MarsBlog archives originated on Blogger, and had to do with the discovery of evidence of flood volcanism on Mars involving a volume of water the size of Lake Erie. In reality, […]

How I Celebrated Earth Day

Praze Gaia! I’m finally rid of my televisions completely, thanks to LM’s annual electronics recycling event. (Which, they pointedly remind employees, is not to be used for company-owned equipment.)

I’ve only had television service for about a year and a half of the past twelve years, and all three were SD models which could no […]

Driving Lessons

This is the same video the rental agency in Iceland made us watch before they would hand over the keys.

If driver’s education here were as graphic as the segment on seatbelts at 4:38, I’m guessing we’d have a lot fewer traffic deaths.


What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Three weeks in Iceland, as seen by my GPS unit:

Strange Aerial Phenomenon

Now that I have a little bit more time available, I’ve been working again on the time-lapse videos from the Iceland trip last July. Have largely given up on ever getting the bumpy spots satisfactorily “deshaken” with the software tools available, but I did discover something that I completely missed at the time and in […]

On the Radio

I’ll be on 850KNUS here in Denver on Sunday, talking about In the Shadow of Ares with my PPC co-blogger Ross “Rossputin” Kaminsky.

The show is on from 5 PM to 8 PM on 710 AM KNUS in Denver and 1460 AM KZNT in Colorado Springs. I will be on between 7:00 and 7:30PM. For […]

Vega – The Car, Not the Star

This article brings back memories. Many of them bad. My ride in high school and my first quarter in college was a pale green 1971 Chevy Vega, which my folks had bought mainly for us kids in 1980 when my great-aunt decided to spend more of her time in Florida. Said car had IIRC 2000 […]

Rover’s-Eye View

A slightly-marsified version of one of my Iceland pics, from the wastelands near Emstrur.

It was easy to see why NASA sent Apollo astronauts to train here.

But Is It Art?

I don’t know why, but I like this. If I were independently wealthy, I could see myself doing quirky things like this.

Mars Colonization Poll

Having just spent three weeks in close quarters in a Mars-like environment, this survey on attitudes towards Mars settlement conditions from Jon Goff (who I may actually meet in person this week) seems well-timed.

My answers to the primary questions:

Would you be willing to make a one way trip to Mars if it meant […]