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Marvel and NewSpace

Anyone else notice the cameo by SeaLaunch’s command ship in the new “Captain America” flick?

Maybe I missed earlier reports of it, but it surprised me. But yet it didn’t, given the Iron Man franchise’s habit of cameoing actual aerospace companies and personalities.

Makes me wonder if the Marvel Cinematic Universe people have a “thing” […]

No Country for Young Men

Richard Fernandez hits on something that bothers me about the mindset of the country: No Country for Young Men

The big giveaway is we as a civilization don’t want to go to the planets any more, because the old don’t want to go anywhere. Imagine clambering into spaceships! The very idea gives us the shivers. […]

How Many People Does It Take to Colonize Another Star System?

Popular Mechanics asks the question, but doesn’t look too deeply for alternative answers.

It’s a pretty interesting study, just looking at the different sizes of possible “classic” generation-ship missions and how to both ensure survivability (against unexpected problems en-route) and maintain genetic diversity (necessary for adaptability to unknown conditions en-route and at the destination). Small […]