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Words Have Meaning

Note to pretentious media types: “iniquities” are not the same as “inequities“.

I’ve noticed a trend lately in which these words are increasingly conflated or simply used interchangeably. The former carries heavier moral and religious overtones than the latter – if you’re still pretending to be objective, “iniquities” is not the word to use given […]

Wussified Workplaces

This post by Elizabeth Scalia touches on something I’ve been thinking about lately – When Workplaces are Wussified:

The man I know has considered moving to a new job, several times, but friends of his who have moved report that it is the same everywhere: there is a class divide, and the urbane upper-management sorts […]

“The Stolen Election”

Let me state up-front that I am NOT claiming that any of this is true, so don’t anyone accuse me of being a crackpot conspiracy theorist here. This is simply a thought experiment/thriller plot that I found entertaining to think through.

On the way home from the victory party funeral last night, it struck […]

The End of Rapeyscanners?

Interesting – TSA Pulls Use Of Controversial Full Body Scanners At JFK, LaGuardia Airports

Opponents said the very detailed image of the human body provided by the machines is an invasion of privacy, while others argued the level of radiation emitted by the Backscatters could be dangerous over the long term.

The TSA said its […]

Good Advice

An Annoying Feature of Non-Fiction Books

Introductions or prefaces which are longer than the book’s chapters.

I’ve been doing a lot of background reading lately as part of writing the sequel to In the Shadow of Ares, and this seems to afflict every book I’ve picked up. I’m slowly getting over the notion that I ought to read them before reading […]

USSR, Twenty Years Later

Good riddance.

Unfortunately, it was late in coming, and in the form of fifth-column movements, former client-state kleptocracies in the third world, the mainstreaming of thinly-disguised Marxist ideas, a defense arrangement which has infantilized Europe, etc., we are still living with the USSR’s ugly and destructive legacy.

On the bright side, at least NASA is […]

Hawaii Five-O Insults Pearl Harbor Survivors

This is sad. But predictable with Hollywood, unfortunately – FIVE-O CREW DISGRACEFUL TO WWII PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS:

The TGGF program had brought 24 red roses to place at the gravesites on the opposite side of the Punchbowl. The program crew actually had one of their men wearing a backpack and earplug walk through – infiltrate […]

An Inconvenient Halloween Short Story

This story was originally inspired by Walter Russel Mead’s article on Bill McKibben’s collection of science fiction short stories aimed at scaring the public (er, ‘shaping an emotional response’) over global warming. I was too busy to finish it when it was actually topical, unfortunately, so I am publishing it instead as a scary story […]

Occupy Toledo!

So I’m walking down the street in Toledo (the one in Spain) on Saturday, and I suddenly find myself in the middle of a protest. Near as I can tell from cognates, it was something related to the Occupy Wall Street crap but translated into Spanish. Naturally, I had to play reporter and get some […]