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Why Is Greece The Basket Case of Europe?

This might have something to do with it: Starting an Online Store is No Easy Business

It took 10 months, a fat bundle of paperwork, countless certificates, long hours of haggling with bureaucrats and overcoming myriad other inconceivable obstacles for one group of young entrepreneurs to open an online store…

Antonopoulos and his partners spent […]

Synthetic Meat – Coming Soon to a Burger Joint Near You?

Well, maybe not all that soon – they’re predicting 10-20 years, which would fit nicely with our timeline for In the Shadow of Ares: Scientists Prepare Test-Tube Burger

Starting with bovine stem cells, the Dutch researchers have grown muscle fibres up to 3cm long and 0.5mm thick. The fibres are tethered and exercised as […]

“Battlestar Galactica” Nature Film

Nice combination of time-lapse star photography and…an original soundtrack by Bear McCrary: If Battlestar Galactica Was A Nature Film It Would Look Like This

Temporal Distortion from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.

[hat tip: Gina]

The Disappointment of “Star Wars”

Over at PJM Kathy Shaidle lays out Five Reasons Star Wars Actually Sucks.

Having seen large portions of several of the old and new movies over the Thanksgiving holiday, I can add one more to the list: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a despicable “hero”.

Prior to the release of the prequels, I always had this […]