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Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be

I always thought these things were a bit silly looking, like a Bradley GT made with an Airstream trailer. Yet an interesting foundation, had he worked to evolve the design further.

Turns out that, like a number of his wilder architectural ideas, form took precedence over function and a whole lot of evolution would have […]


In This Week’s Episode of #Science With @NeilTyson ….

Aliens, seeing Humans kill over land, politics, religion, & skin color, would surely ask, “What the f*%k is wrong with you?”

— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) December 6, 2014

And my non-STEM friends wonder that I consider this guy an overhyped midwit and second-rate Carl Sagan […]

Orion spacecraft crew capsule completed and ready for fueling

Orion spacecraft crew capsule completed and ready for fueling. With “hyper propellants”.

They must have changed over from sedate propellants after I left the program.

I learned today that there will be two passengers on EFT-1, after all – the ashes of two long-time Orion employees who passed away recently.

Government is Magic

An excellent essay on the decline of competence: Sultan Knish: Government is Magic

The essay is worth reading in full, along with the additional related points and examples in the comments, but this part sticks out for me:

Competence is built on the unhappy understanding that things won’t work because you want them to, they […]

But! But! Elon Musk!!!

Walter Russell Mead observes the latest solar power corruption fiasco and asks:

Is there anybody in the world of tax-funded green energy who isn’t a sleazy thief or an incompetent idealist?

(WaPo article here.)

Regardless of who is behind any “green energy” undertaking, my inclination nowadays is to suspect it is some sort of scam […]


Ann Althouse links to another in a long procession of “big idea houses” – what is zeroHouse?

The zeroHouse is a small, prefabricated house that can easily be shipped and quickly erected. It features a full kitchen, bath, and all elements necessary to comfortably support four adults. What sets the zeroHouse apart from other prefabricated […]

Lessons in Nuclear Safety from Fukushima

Technology Review has a short article on what has been learned since the meltdowns last year – What We Learned About Nuclear Safety From Fukushima:

Reactors and radioactive materials at Fukushima Daiichi were destabilized by back-to-back beyond design-basis events. First was the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that felled the plant’s power lines, triggering diesel generators to […]

Enginastery: Food Tubes

Another reason to despise AGW adherents: their handwringing provides justifications for boneheaded ‘environmentally friendly’ ideas like this:

Hungry? Better turn on your linear induction motor and send a metal capsule through an underground polyethylene tube to retrieve some groceries.

That’s the vision of Foodtubes, a UK program that seeks to reduce carbon emissions by building […]