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SpaceX Dragon Docks to ISS

Cool. Let’s hope this is just the first of many – SpaceX’s Dragon craft makes historic hookup with space station:

Once the fix was made, Dragon returned to the 30-meter checkpoint and moved in for the final approach. When the craft reached a distance of 10 meters (33 feet), NASA astronaut Don Pettit used the […]

Hunger Games Meets Jericho Meets The Postman

Well, this looks…awful.

I’d like just once to have TV do a post-apocalypse show right. Having everyone be beautiful, unblemished, healthy, well-groomed, and attired in bright, clean, factory-made clothes 15 years after the entire world blacked out calls for a bit more suspension of disbelief than I’m able to muster. Jericho could almost get […]

Scenes from an Alien World

So, I sold the IR-converted d100 a couple months ago, and used the proceeds to convert my (now-superseded) d80 for infrared. Still fine-tuning the manual and autofocus, but it worked well enough to take this weird shot at Moab a couple of weeks back:

It’s not hard to imagine an alien world that looked […]

The Black Hole

Scrape off the cheese, and this was actually a pretty cool movie in terms of premise, plot, and the design of the Cygnus. I had forgotten there was talk of remaking it — I generally despise remakes as creative laziness, but like Battlestar Galactica here is a story just aching to be retold with modern […]