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Marvel and NewSpace

Anyone else notice the cameo by SeaLaunch’s command ship in the new “Captain America” flick?

Maybe I missed earlier reports of it, but it surprised me. But yet it didn’t, given the Iron Man franchise’s habit of cameoing actual aerospace companies and personalities.

Makes me wonder if the Marvel Cinematic Universe people have a “thing” […]

SpaceX Dragon Docks to ISS

Cool. Let’s hope this is just the first of many – SpaceX’s Dragon craft makes historic hookup with space station:

Once the fix was made, Dragon returned to the 30-meter checkpoint and moved in for the final approach. When the craft reached a distance of 10 meters (33 feet), NASA astronaut Don Pettit used the […]

Virgin Galactic White Knight 2 Test Flight Video


The Wired article this comes from also contains more information about Scaled Composites’ recent test-flight teething pains with White Knight 2. Sounds like the test problems were […]