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In The Dead Zone

So much for my plans for more frequent postings – new laptop or no, my folks have no internet service with which to use it.

On the other hand, they do now have satellite teevee, through which I was able to catch a few minutes of a program on Mars settlement this afternoon. I think […]

Liberty in Space?

Rand links to this interesting post at Cato Unbound on colonizing space and the “future of freedom”:

The critical question then becomes one of means, of how to escape not via politics but beyond it. Because there are no truly free places left in our world, I suspect that the mode for escape must involve […]

“Iceland Is On Its Own”

Looks like I chose wisely in waiting until next year to visit Iceland:

Iceland is on the brink of collapse. Inflation and interest rates are raging upwards. The krona, Iceland’s currency, is in freefall and is rated just above those of Zimbabwe and Turkmenistan. One of the country’s three independent banks has been nationalised, another […]

This, I Like

Let’s hope NASA can actually make something of this project – NASA Eyes Nuclear Reactor for Moon Base:

Supported at a cost of about $10 million a year, the Fission Surface Power Project this week awarded two contracts for power conversion units, used to turn the heat of nuclear reactions into electricity…

The converter design […]

Vertical Farming?

Not sure if the economics would support a full-scale version of this on Earth any time in the near future, but it’s got a lot of possibilities for lunar and Mars colonization – Farming in the Sky. The PopSci article notes that while a fully-integrated implementation is still being worked, the various technological bits and […]