NASA is tentatively sorta kinda considering the possibility of China maybe somehow taking part in the VSE…maybe…sorta…
NASA admits China to exploration discussions
Long shunned as a player in U.S-led international space ventures, China has been admitted to talks with NASA about helping to accomplish President Bush’s goals for exploring the moon and Mars.
With the blessing of the U.S. State Department, a Chinese delegate this week joined representatives from Russia, Japan, Canada and other foreign powers for a NASA-sponsored workshop on the unfolding space initiative.
China’s involvement in the three-day workshop that ended Thursday was a small but highly visible breakthrough in relations with a potential to improve global security as well as advance space exploration, participants and outside experts said.
But they cautioned against reading too much into the session, which drew representatives from 30 countries. More talks are planned for early next year.
“This indicates a very cautious, small first step,” said Joan Johnson-Freese, a national security specialist at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., who monitors Chinese developments. “The fact we did invite and China did send someone is very good news, but I would not jump to the conclusion there will be a partnership.”
But, don’t read too much into all of this, because, you know, they’re just, like, talking about it. Sorta hypothetical-like. Maybe.
[via Carl Carlsson]
I doubt that China would want a partnership. ISS is a too spectacular failure flying overhead, visible with a naked eye, to follow down that path of madness again.