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SpaceX Dragon Docks to ISS

Cool. Let’s hope this is just the first of many – SpaceX’s Dragon craft makes historic hookup with space station:

Once the fix was made, Dragon returned to the 30-meter checkpoint and moved in for the final approach. When the craft reached a distance of 10 meters (33 feet), NASA astronaut Don Pettit used the station’s 17-meter-long (60-foot-long) robotic arm to grab hold of the Dragon’s grapple attachment at 9:56 a.m. ET.

“It looks like we’ve got us a Dragon by the tail,” Pettit told NASA’s Mission Control.

This certainly doesn’t seem to be the NASA Greg Klerkx wrote about a few years back. Let’s hope they can keep the commercial competition going long enough that we have multiple players in the market.

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