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People’s Press Collective Gets Noticed by Washington Post

My other blogging project (the one that’s been taking all my time lately, hence the infrequent MarsBloggage) was named today as one of the best state political blogs by the Washington Post.

People’s Press Collective and our friends at Complete Colorado and Face the State took three of the five spots on the Colorado list (the other two being lame left-wing hate holes). Of the five on the list, PPC is the only one which is an entirely un-funded effort…which is actually embarassing to admit, since we’re a bunch of capitalists who ought to be making money off of it, but I confess this fact merely to illustrate what can be done on a shoestring.

It takes very little in the way of financial resources for those with sufficient motivation to make a difference in state-level politics through citizen journalism and activism, something that center-righters getting fired up by the tea-party movement ought to be aware of. A website and a camera or two is all one really needs to get started, and once established a site like PPC is a good venue for retaining the activists and the civic involvement the tea parties are spawning.

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