Blizzard Dumps Snow in Midwest, Northeast
Travel was slowed to a crawl at best across wide areas of the Northeast on Sunday as a huge snowstorm whipped up blizzard conditions with wind gusting to 60 mph, making highways treacherous, canceling hundreds of airline flights and slowing trains.
Massachusetts reported 2 feet of snow, with amounts of at least 20 inches in New York’s Catskills and 18 inches in coastal Connecticut and Rhode Island, and the National Weather Service said as much as 3 feet was possible in eastern Massachusetts. The weather system had earlier piled a foot of snow on parts of Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and northern Ohio.
The stiff wind caused drifts up to 6 feet high in Massachusetts, poor visibility and scattered power outages. The weather service posted blizzard warnings into the afternoon in parts of New England, eastern New York state and northern New Jersey.
Oddly, I happened across a David Suzuki program on TV yesterday, vintage 1999, where he predicted exactly this kind of thing would happen as a result of anthropogenic global warming from CO2 emissions.
Oh, wait…no…he said that the new century would see higher temperatures, increasing occurrence, duration, and severity of droughts, and unseasonably warm winters as manifestations of global warming. My bad.