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Typing Pool Mentality

Jeff at Space Politics reports on a debate between representatives of the Bush and Kerry campaigns on the subject of space policy.

Not much new from either side, to judge from his summary, but there is one question-raising point from the Kerry representative, former NASA Associate Administrator Lori Garver:

Garver argued that while exploration is important, it should not be the only thing NASA is working on; it must be done in balance with aeronautics, earth sciences, and space sciences.

“Must”? Why “must” NASA do all of these things? Why not spin off space sciences to JPL? Earth sciences to NOAA, USGS, or even EPA? Aeronautics is part of NASA’s original mandate, sure, but why couldn’t that role be shifted over to AFRL or the like?

It’s well past time to consider whether NASA should have a toe in so many different undertakings merely because those things are space-related, or whether it makes more sense, given the technological and economic developments of the past two decades, to fold those activities and capabilities into other organizations or split them off into independent entities.

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