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Virgin Galactic’s Homegrown Competition

Looks like Richard Branson may have some homegrown competition on his hands: U.K.’s Starchaser Racing Virgin to Space:

Starchaser plans to launch SKYBOLT at the end of 2007 from a launch site in the United States. If the rocket is not ready in time, it might lift off later from Sweden or even Australia.

“Once we have the rocket ready we’re going to go with the first launch site that can accommodate us,” Bennett said…

The 2007 launch of SKYBOLT will lead the way for Starchaser’s first manned trip, scheduled for 2009. The manned trip will include a capsule that will sit on top of the rocket and will carry 3 passengers on a suborbital journey to an altitude of almost 100 miles. The trip will last about a half hour…

The trip will cost a mere 98,000 United Kingdom Pounds, or about $183,000 U.S. A two and a half hour flight aboard SpaceShipTwo will run the Branson tourist about $200,000 U.S.

Bennett thinks perhaps he could beat Branson to space.

Interesting times…

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