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Missing the Action

Looks like I’ll just miss the moonbats protesting at the Broadmoor this week:

WHO: The Air Force Space Command, the Army Space and Missile Command, Northern Command, NORAD, and AFCEA and numerous military contractors, large and small.
WHAT: SpaceCOMM 2006: Defending America – a major propaganda event

WHEN: January 24-26

WHERE: Broadmoor Hotel Convention Center, Colorado Springs

What else: Citizens for Peace in Space and other local activists plan to peacefully banner and leaflet convention goers on Wednesday, January 25 from 1 – 2 PM to express our opposition to the policies being carried out in our name. (read below)

Carpool from Camp Casey (Nevada and Dale) at 12:30 or meet us there.

It is rare to find a gathering that brings together as many of the war making and spying elite as this symposium at the Broadmoor. The sponsoring agencies of “Defending America“; Air Force Space Command, NORAD, Northern Command, Army Space and Missile Command and the Armed Forces spy organization, AFCEA, are carrying out the Bush doctrine of permanent war abroad and increased police state activity at home. They are the beneficiaries of a military budget which has ballooned from $300 to $500 billion and a spying budget which has grown from $30 to $45 billion . Both policies ignore domestic and international law. Both operate in an environment of fear. Both operate behind closed doors with utter disdain for democratic values. And they are a failure. If we are to learn anything from the events of “9-11” we need a radical course correction before it is too late. Join us on January 25, 1 – 2 PM to help stop this madness.

For more info: Citizens for Peace in Space – xxx-xxxx

Bill Sulzman
Citizens for Peace in Space

I’ll be there on the 27th and 28th for the LPR Annual Retreat. So close, yet so far. Maybe I could drive by their “Camp Casey” while I’m down in the Springs.

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