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Hawaii Five-O Insults Pearl Harbor Survivors

This is sad. But predictable with Hollywood, unfortunately – FIVE-O CREW DISGRACEFUL TO WWII PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS:

The TGGF program had brought 24 red roses to place at the gravesites on the opposite side of the Punchbowl. The program crew actually had one of their men wearing a backpack and earplug walk through – infiltrate […]

Why Science Fiction Has A Bad Reputation, Part #84832972.3

I vaguely remember watching this show a couple of times when it was originally aired. I remember it being cheesy, but ye gods, I had no idea…

Like watching a Kevin Costner movie or reading a Cormac McCarthy novel, it’s so awful it makes one’s brain […]

Barely Scratching the Surface

John Scalzi takes on the bad science/design of the Star Trek franchise.

I actually used to like ST:TNG when it was first broadcast. Nowadays, I find any manifestation of the franchise insufferable. Bad acting, lazy writing, trite speechifying, cross-episode amnesia re:new discoveries/innovations, Patrick Stewart, etc.

That said, I caught a bit of Star Wars: Episode […]

They Know Our Secrets

Someone at SciFi has been doing their homework as regards spacecraft metal fatigue — last night’s episode, No Exit, features character Galen Tyrol performing, of all things, a dye penetrant inspection of Galactica’s major structures.

I have a hunch that that is the first time an authentic non-destructive inspection technique has figured in a science […]