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BlogCon 2011

Attending the BlogCon 2011 in Denver this weekend.

PPC (myself and Michael Sandoval), Ari Armstrong, Kelly Maher, and Todd Shepherd will be speaking today at 3:15, on building and maintaining state-level blog networks.

UPDATE: taunting OccupyDenver, which is threatening a surprise(!) march on BlogCon 2011 at 5pm tonight…uptwinkles!

UPDATE 2:25: a half-dozen protestors […]

PPC at the Western Conservative Summit

Okay, it’s not space-related (and it’s not technically PPC, since he’s there on National Review’s nickel), but my People’s Press Collective co-conspirator Michael Sandoval is on the scene at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. Rick Santorum and Rick Perry spoke this evening. Santorum focused (utterly predictably) on gay marriage, using the issue as an […]

Health Care Reform: Public Airplane

The Independence Institute explains via cartoon why NPR’s tortured “Public Airplane” analogy on health care reform doesn’t fly:

(Yes, the political stuff is taking up all my blogging time lately.)

People’s Press Collective Gets Noticed by Washington Post

My other blogging project (the one that’s been taking all my time lately, hence the infrequent MarsBloggage) was named today as one of the best state political blogs by the Washington Post.

People’s Press Collective and our friends at Complete Colorado and Face the State took three of the five spots on the Colorado […]