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Since 9/11

I think like most Americans old enough to remember 9/11, I remember it almost moment by moment, as clear as if it had happened yesterday. Which makes it strange to think that it’s been ten years now — I remember it more clearly than a lot of news events that happened in the past year […]

What I Did On My (Last) Summer Vacation

After about eleven months of problems with my DSL connection at home, I’ve finally finished uploading the HD video I shot while in Iceland at this time last year. The playlist is here, but this is probably the most relevant video for MarsBlog in the sense that aside from the prominence of water, it best […]

Random Zombie Thought

I think the reason you don’t see zombie birds is that, while the zombie virus might be able to reanimate the dead in ways that blissfully mock the laws of thermodynamics, it’s too much to then expect the avian undead to also violate aerodynamic principles by flying about in an equivalent slow and halting manner […]

How I Celebrated Earth Day

Praze Gaia! I’m finally rid of my televisions completely, thanks to LM’s annual electronics recycling event. (Which, they pointedly remind employees, is not to be used for company-owned equipment.)

I’ve only had television service for about a year and a half of the past twelve years, and all three were SD models which could no […]

Driving Lessons

This is the same video the rental agency in Iceland made us watch before they would hand over the keys.

If driver’s education here were as graphic as the segment on seatbelts at 4:38, I’m guessing we’d have a lot fewer traffic deaths.



This is funny.

The Keith’s Night graphic is the best part.

Why You Should Attend the LPR Annual Retreat

It gets better and bigger every year…

Apollo I

I missed the anniversary last week due to other time commitments, but here’s a suitably ethereal shot of the “monument” at Cape Canaveral’s LC-34:

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Three weeks in Iceland, as seen by my GPS unit:

Science Eye-Candy

High-speed video of droplets of liquid nitrogen rolling across a hot surface, demonstrating something we’ve all seen while cooking but probably didn’t know had a name — the Leidenfrost Effect:

From Wikipedia:

The effect can be seen as drops of water are sprinkled into a pan at various times while it is heating up. […]