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PPC at the Western Conservative Summit

Okay, it’s not space-related (and it’s not technically PPC, since he’s there on National Review’s nickel), but my People’s Press Collective co-conspirator Michael Sandoval is on the scene at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. Rick Santorum and Rick Perry spoke this evening.  Santorum focused (utterly predictably) on gay marriage, using the issue as an (utterly predictable) cudgel against Perry, while Perry’s keynote focused on the 10th Amendment and the importance of voting ‘liberals’ out of office in 2012.

If Rick Santorum thinks that gay marriage is the defining issue for 2012, he will (and will deserve to) go down in flames rather quickly once the primary season starts. He reminds me of the candidate forum I attended in early 2010, when all three Libertarian Party candidates asserted that the most important issue facing Colorado and the nation was the legalization of marijuana. Sometimes there just isn’t a cluebat big enough.

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