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The Luddite Pillory, v1.3

It’s time for this week’s Luddite Pillory, in which space-related silliness is held up for ridicule and scorn!

  • Well, it’s one way to improve launch economies of scale and inspire innovation in space access. (I doubt this guy would be much impressed.)
  • But if they weren’t spying on him, what proof would he have that he is the “danger” he so wants to believe he is?
  • Never one to be outdone by experiences with the American police state, Elaine recounts her own experiences at the hands of Bush’s cyber-stasi.

5 comments to The Luddite Pillory, v1.3

  • Aaron_J

    I’d also like to ask Bruce for “proof” regarding his claims, but he bravely elminated that pesky “comments” feature from his Blog. Anyway, who needs proof when one is busy enjoying an exaggerated sense of self-importance?

  • Excellent point. Perhaps NASA *has* been watching his group and infiltrating their activities and such. He makes the claim often enough, you’d think he might put up the relevant documents on his website. It’d be interesting to see just what constitutes the “spying” he claims has been inflicted on him, and how that compares to other organizations one would expect the government to take rather more seriously.

    As far as asking him for proof, you could always try email.

  • Aaron_J

    But then he?d have mine. Ewww.

  • Bruce is (ahem) Mostly Harmless.

    Bonus – if you email and question what he’s about you – yes you – can join the massive aerospace and NASA Conspiracy of Evil and Marching Society(CoEaMS). It’s fun, educational and the uniforms are hip and stylin’.

  • Sure, those CoEaMS uniforms look great, but the jackboots are murder on the feet.