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Pro-Alien, Anti-Human

Van Helsing at Moonbattery takes a well-deserved swipe at former Candian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, who is warning the world that Chimpy McBushhitlerburton is planning to start an “intergalactic war” with the Space Brothers:

Paul Hellyer…publicly stated: “UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.” Hellyer warned, “The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning.[“] Mr. Hellyer went on to say, “I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something.”

Never mind that any civilization capable of crossing intergalactic distances would have technology at their disposal that would well outdo even the most destructive technologies we humans might field. It would be like fighting a Tsar Bomba with an atl-atl.

Or would it? Maybe the aliens are above such things. Mr. Hellyer and his friends seem to believe these putative aliens are the Good Guys:

By “ETs,” Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth.

“Ethical”? By what standard? By whose standard, for that matter…ours or theirs?

Of course, the answer these folks would give is “theirs”, simply because the aliens aren’t humans…humans are irredeemably evil, so the alien “Other” must be pure and good.

He stated, “The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.”

Really? And your evidence for this is…what, exactly? The VSE?

Hooo, boy…

Hellyer?s speech ended with a standing ovation.

Well, of course it did…it was

  1. moonbat fodder
  2. anti-American, and
  3. delivered in Canada.

Ultimately, this effort at “consciousness raising” boils down to the same motive as all others, the desire for taxpayer funding of a silly pet project:

The Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, presented by the organizations to a Senate Committee panel hearing in Winnipeg, Canada, on March 10, 2005, proposes that the Government of Canada undertake a Decade of Contact.

The proposed Decade of Contact is “a 10-year process of formal, funded public education, scientific research, educational curricula development and implementation, strategic planning, community activity, and public outreach concerning our terrestrial society?s full cultural, political, social, legal, and governmental communication and public interest diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth.”

Translation: give us a bunch of money so we can stage yet more town hall hate-ins and interpretive dance exhibitions. (And did anyone else catch the glaring omission in that laundry list?)

The last few paragraphs give the game away, though…the real aim is to oppose missile defense and the “militarization of space” (sound familiar?), this time on the grounds that “our ethical (not like us) Space Brothers from another galaxy won’t much like it”.

Is it any surprise that they adore both Jimmy Carter and Dennis Kucinich?

ADDENDUM: Peace In Space, aka “Star Dreams Initiative” (SDI — how cute!), is a proponent of “remote viewing”. Maybe that’s how they know the aliens are “ethical”. Whatever that means.

And the comments regarding the press release are priceless…

6 comments to Pro-Alien, Anti-Human

  • I’ve done my part in the comments thread. Entertaining site.

  • stephen

    jeez man you seem a bit angry. The American media are being used to make you feel this way. They want you to think that everyone is against you. It’s a classic technique by governments to invoke solidarity when they are involved in things that aren’t generally approved of by their citizens. If the people feel like they are being attacked by the international community because of who they are, instead of what their governments are doing (which is definately the case here), they will support anything their leaders want to do. don’t you see it?

    I just want to assure all Americans that the vast majority of Canadians DO NOT hate you. our cultural and ancestrial ties run too deep for it to even be a rational viewpoint. We are however, genuinely afraid of what your government has been up to and how it will affect us all. We just want peace. That’s all.

  • Angry? Snarky, sure, but I don’t see where you get angry from the above post.

    Indeed, your comment sounds canned…it makes no reference to the post, nor does it touch on the same subject matter. Did you write this just for me, or do you post this same comment wherever you sense a blogger is disparaging Canada in some way?

  • Aaron_J

    C’mon, go easy on Stephen. He used to take pride in defending his buddy Bruce Gagnon. However, the cowardly pamphleteer couldn’t take the heat and turned off the comments, so now Stephen feels obliged to defend other leftist nuts.

    I didn’t detect anger in the original post, just the snarkiness that comes with disbelief. Disbelief that people really think like this and are taken seriously by anyone. Stephen’s failure to reference to the original post is probably due to the fact that even he has the sense to know that Hellyer and those like him are kooks. I found it hard to believe that the guy was once Canadian Defense Minister — remember the ruckus a few years back when Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer?

    In itself this is further evidence that the left is seriously unhinged. But the more damning part is that these wackos are not shouted down from within their own ranks. Unbelievable.

    As for Stephen’s assertion that Americans are brainwashed by a media that is in cahoots with the Bush Administration: to what media does he refer? Is it the same media that went out of its way to try to defeat Bush in the last election (e.g. ? the fake Guard memos) like they did with his father in 1992 (downplaying evidence of economic recovery)? Is it the same media that drones on about all the negatives in Iraq, while ignoring the rebuilding and hope that so many have for the first time in their lives?

    If Stephen is concerned that someone is being unduly influenced by media bias, maybe it’s time he took an impartial look at the CBC (if it were possible for him to do so). I don’t think all, most or even a significant number of Canadians “hate Americans”, but I also don’t think the CBC’s obvious bias helps.

    Finally, while he doesn’t use the word, Stephen accuses the Bush Administration of fearmongering (along with their cohorts in the media, of course). However, isn’t that exactly what Hellyer is doing, though he’s basing it on an infinitely more dubious threat? A little hypocrisy for good measure, Stephen? Eh?

  • I can say this here – y’all are reasonable people.

    I have no trouble believing there is life elsewhere in the universe. But I have real problems imgaining that in all the great big starry universe they choose to come … here and perform weird experiments on cattle or take over earth by covert means.

    Imagine aliens possesing the means to cross interstellar distances – they come all this way, commanding vast and powerful energies .. and they have to skulk around keeping it a secret? How they must long to nudge Ceres out of it’s orbit and polish off the natives and their high energy civilization.

    It’s as silly as the aliens from ‘V’ (that so-so miniseries and awful tv show from the 80s) taking over the earth because their own planet was out of water and they needed ours. They had to drive by the icy rings of Saturn to get here of course …

    It seems a little egotistic to think we’re sitting on the only prime real estate in the galaxy. Almost as egotistic as thinking that you and your elect companions alone know the terrible secret and the rest of your foolish species just won’t listen to you.

  • Aaron_J

    Well said, Brian. There is nothing wrong with wanting to believe that we are not the only intelligent beings in an unimaginably big universe. But to believe that vastly more advanced beings traveled all the way here to a) crash, b) get shot down, or c) succumb to a microorganism defies all logic. Never mind that there is absolutely no credible evidence that we have been visited at all.

    Plus, even if they are out there listening and heard us, it’s highly unlikely that they have already made it here. If so, they would already have to have been quite close and we would have heard them first, regardless of SETI.