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Hands-On Engineering

It seems the more little engineering projects I do to support my photography habit, the more I find I want to do.

Last year, it was the double-header, and the time-lapse rig for the Iceland roadtrip. But after looking at some of this guy’s work and the toys he created to do it, I got […]

Driving Lessons

This is the same video the rental agency in Iceland made us watch before they would hand over the keys.

If driver’s education here were as graphic as the segment on seatbelts at 4:38, I’m guessing we’d have a lot fewer traffic deaths.


Science Eye-Candy

High-speed video of droplets of liquid nitrogen rolling across a hot surface, demonstrating something we’ve all seen while cooking but probably didn’t know had a name — the Leidenfrost Effect:

From Wikipedia:

The effect can be seen as drops of water are sprinkled into a pan at various times while it is heating up. […]

Real Gubernatorial Genius

…is in short supply in Colorado this year, but Todd and Justin at Complete Colorado are at least having some fun with the unfunny situation.

Republican (sigh) Walter Mitty, Dan Maes:

Democrat (meh) Denver mayor, John Hickenlooper:

American Constitutional Party’s former Republican, former congressman, former presidential candidate, and evergreen lightning rod, Tom Tancredo: […]

Final Stimulus Package – Breaking a Few Eggs

Amanda from Liberty on the Rocks explains the effects of the ongoing orgy of government bailouts and stimulus packages and pork spending:

For those in Denver, be sure to check out the coverage of today’s anti-stimulus rally at the Capitol steps on Peoples Press Collective. The rally will take place between 12:15pm and 2:00pm, […]