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“The Drift”

One of the defining characteristics of the human race is our profound alienation from one another. What if a new technology promised to blur, or even erase, the lines that divide us? Director Guillermo del Toro’s new movie Pacific Rim poses that challenging question, and it is perhaps this otherwise-magnificent popcorn movie’s greatest failure that […]

Dirk Gently on BBC

Looks…interesting. Hope it turns out better than Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy did.

Atlas Shrugged Trailer

This would make a great drinking game at your next Objectivist book club meeting: spot the deviations from the book!

I guess one has to expect many differences from the source material, given that the producers don’t have a Lord of the Rings-scale budget with which to depict the “period” setting of the book […]

James Cameron’s 3D Mars Camera

If James Cameron is so passionate about restoring the 3D camera to MSL/Curiosity, then…instead of lobbying, and urging, and taking his concerns to the NASA administrator, why didn’t he just pay for it out of pocket?

I don’t know that he didn’t, or didn’t offer to do so (the article doesn’t say), but it seems […]